Enigma di Kaspar Hauser, L' (1974)
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser

The film:

“The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, real drama of the language, is a story of continuous revelations, visions, dreams, nightmares and, above all, shor ...

Ercole (1962)

The film:

"A montage of disparate materials: original shootings of bodybuilders (among them there is also Mr. Germany champion) exhibiting their muscles, archive materi ...

Fata Morgana (1970)

The film:

“The heart of this essential, sorrowful and dazzling film is the myth of the creation. In Fata Morgana we watch a sort of multiplication of the ...

Fede e denaro (1980)
God's Angry Man

The film:

“The film revolves around the figure of Dr. Gene Scott, one of the most famous broadcast television preachers in California. He is the protagonist of a b ...

Feroce Saladino, Il (1937)

The film:

Pompeo Darly is an illusionist at the end of his career, who performs in mediocre theaters with a scant success. He meets Dora and he decides to help her to tr ...


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