Apocalisse nel deserto (1992)
Lessons of Darkness
Director/Screenplay: Werner Herzog – Director of photography: Paul Berriff – Film editor: Rainer Standke – Sound: John G. Pearson – Music: Richard Wagner, Edvard Grieg, Sergej Prokof’ev, Arvo Pärt, Giuseppe Verdi, Franz Schubert, Gustav Mahler – Production: Werner Herzog Filmproduktion – Country: Germany – Running time: 50’
The film:
“At the end of the Gulf War, Herzog, with a very small troupe, goes to Kuwait twice to film, in thirteen brief chapters, the traces, the wounds, the scars of this event. The idea is to approach to the dramatic images of the burning oil wells with the eye of an alien who’s visiting for the first time this planet, that doesn’t appear in any way like the planet hearth we know. […] Requiem on the destiny of the planet starting from the consequences of the Gulf War.”
[Grazia Paganelli (curated by), Signs of Life. Tribute to Werner Herzog, Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Torino; Il Castoro, Milano 2008, p. 303]
The film restoration:
The preservation of Lessons of Darkness was conducted by Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino and it was based on the original 16 mm negatives conserved by Werner Herzog Film Archive.
The preservation of the film is part of a project to valorize the works by Werner Herzog, including the homage Signs of life. Tribute to Werner Herzog organized by Museo Nazionale del Cinema in 2008.
The event showed the complete retrospective, the photography exhibition, a concert and a workshop and it was realized together with Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, the Scuola Holden, the Teatro Regio of Torino, the Werner Herzog Film and the German Film.
The preservation was carried out in 2007 at the laboratories ARRI and Geyer.

© Werner Herzog Film
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