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The Permanent Seminar on History of Film Theories is an open network of film scholars interested in re-discovering and re-reading historical contributions and debates on film. A special attention is devoted to the early writings on cinema, as well as on the more recent reconsiderations of film's role in the new media landscape. The research will gather film scholars from different countries on topics such as: Film/literature/art/theatre; film acting and film staging; spectatorship; the role of memory; psychology and pedagogy of film; gender studies; etc. A great attention will be also put on national debates, according geographical areas such as Europe, North America, East Asia, etc.

This website will host original documents (often translated in English), papers, proceedings, etc.
The Permanent Seminar will also support symposia and seminars on the topic.

The ICFVCMS 2016. London 18-19/01/2016
18th International Conference on Film, Visual, Cultural and Media Sciences, January 18, 2016
The ICFVCMS 2016 : 18th International Conference on Film, Visual, Cultural and Media Sciences is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Film, Visual, Cultural and Media Sciences. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world.

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The Art of Celluloid
Enrico Thovez
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Di alcune osservazioni psicologiche fatte durante rappresentazioni cinematografiche
Mario Ponzo
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