Ariège pittoresque - Les Pyrenées - Attraverso il mondo
Production: Pathé Frères, Paris – Intertitles: Italian –

The film:

An episode of a series of short French films dedicated to the representation of picturesque locations. This time the Pyrenees are starring, with their landscapes and, especially, local people, who smile and sketch out a few dance steps, showing off their traditional costumes. The strenght of the film is, above all, the awesome pochoir coloration. Each color was applied on the print through a complex stencil system. A work of infinite patience which guaranteed wonderful results. 


The film restoration:

The digital restoration of Les Pyrenées, an episode from the series Ariège pittoresque (Pathé Frères, 1922), was conducted by the the Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino, from a colored nitrate copy with Italian intertitles conserved at the Museum.

The restoration was carried out at the laboratory L’Immagine Ritrovata in Bologna in 2011.


Link Vimeo Cineteca MNC:


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